I am a newbie to SPIP. I like very much, what I have seen so far.
By creating articles is there any additional support, are there any
predefined features available, like email form or other things (or do I have
to do all by myself).
Any help is very much appreciated.
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I am a newbie to SPIP. I like very much, what I have seen so far.
good! welcome!
By creating articles is there any additional support, are there any
predefined features available, like email form or other things (or do I have
to do all by myself).
There are a lot of features to customise SPIP. For instance, as you
metion, the e-mail form to the author (#FORMULAIRE_ECRIRE_AUTEUR) of an
article, which is documented here:
But you have to go deeper in templates building. I suggest you to start
reading "SPIP step by step", here: