Unwanted redirections

After upgrading from 2.1.10 [17657] to SPIP 3.0.2 [19586] I can't open any page (front or back) anymore. I'm getting the error message

Safari can’t open the page.

Too many redirects occurred trying to open “http://ingberlin.com/spip.php?page=login&url=spip.php%3Fpage%3Dlogin%26url%3Dspip.php%3Fpage%3Dlogin%26url%3Dspip.php%253Fpage%253Dlogin%2526url%253Dspip.php%25253Fpage%25253Dlogin%252526url%25253Dspip.php%2525253Fpage%2525253Dlogin%25252526url%2525253Dspip.php%252525253Fpage%252525253Dlogin%2525252526url%252525253Dspip.php%25252525253Fpage%25252525253Dlogin%252525252526url%25252525253Dspip.php%2525252525253Fpage%2525252525253Dlogin%25252525252526url%2525252525253Dspip.php%252525252525253Fpage%252525252525253Dlogin%2525252525252526url%252525252525253Dspip.php%25252525252525253Fpage%25252525252525253Dlogin%252525252525252526url%25252525252525253Dspip.php%2525252525252525253Fpage%2525252525252525253Dlogin%25252525252525252526url%2525252525252525253Dspip.php%252525252525252525253Fpage%252525252525252525253Dlogin%2525252525252525252526url%252525252525252525253Dspip.php%25252525252525252525253Fpage%25252525252525252525253Dlogin%252525252525252525252526url%25252525252525252525253Dspip.php%2525252525252525252525253Fpage%2525252525252525252525253Dlogin%25252525252525252525252526url%2525252525252525252525253Dspip.php%252525252525252525252525253Fpage%252525252525252525252525253Dlogin%2525252525252525252525252526url%252525252525252525252525253Dspip.php%25252525252525252525252525253Fpage%25252525252525252525252525253Dlogin%252525252525252525252525252526url%25252525252525252525252525253D.%2525252525252525252525252525252F%2525252525252525252525252525253Fvar_mode%2525252525252525252525252525253Ddebug%252525252525252525252525252526var_mode%25252525252525252525252525253Ddebug%2525252525252525252525252526var_mode%252525252525252525252525253Ddebug%25252525252525252525252526var_mode%2525252525252525252525253Ddebug%252525252525252525252526var_mode%25252525252525252525253Ddebug%2525252525252525252526var_mode%252525252525252525253Ddebug%25252525252525252526var_mode%2525252525252525253Ddebug%252525252525252526var_mode%25252525252525253Ddebug%2525252525252526var_mode%252525252525253Ddebug%25252525252526var_mode%2525252525253Ddebug%252525252526var_mode%25252525253Ddebug%2525252526var_mode%252525253Ddebug%25252526var_mode%2525253Ddebug%252526var_mode%25253Ddebug%2526var_mode%253Ddebug%26var_mode%3Ddebug%26var_mode%3Ddebug”. This might occur if you open a page that is redirected to open another page which then is redirected to open the original page.

Of course, I do not have any redirections provided. It is not the server, so to speak. Any idea?

Empty the cache by deleting the contents of /tmp/cache/ but don't delete the directory itself.

If this does not help delete the contents of /local/ but don't delete the directory itself.

Don't forget to delete the cache of your browser.


On 20.06.2012 12:41, Ульрих wrote:

After upgrading from 2.1.10 [17657] to SPIP 3.0.2 [19586] I can't open
any page (front or back) anymore. I'm getting the error message

Safari can’t open the page.

Too many redirects occurred trying to open


This might occur if you open a page that is redirected to open another
page which then is redirected to open the original page.

Of course, I do not have any redirections provided. It is not the
server, so to speak. Any idea?

spip-en@rezo.net - http://listes.rezo.net/mailman/listinfo/spip-en

May be this time you erased all cookies in your browser as well, sorry I forgot to mention this part of the procedure.


On 20.06.2012 15:52, Ульрих wrote:

Vielen Dank, das war's. Ich hatte das vorher schon alles gemacht, hatte
nichts genutzt. Jetzt plötzlich ging es. Deine Email kann das nicht
bewirkt haben. Man muss das wohl einige Male machen. Nochmals Danke.

Ich habe noch eine Frage zu "Setup the URLs" in der nächsten Email.

On 20 Jun 2012, at 13:37, klaus++ wrote:

Empty the cache by deleting the contents of /tmp/cache/ but don't
delete the directory itself.

If this does not help delete the contents of /local/ but don't delete
the directory itself.

Don't forget to delete the cache of your browser.


On 20.06.2012 12:41, Ульрих wrote:

After upgrading from 2.1.10 [17657] to SPIP 3.0.2 [19586] I can't open
any page (front or back) anymore. I'm getting the error message

Safari can’t open the page.

Too many redirects occurred trying to open





This might occur if you open a page that is redirected to open another
page which then is redirected to open the original page.

Of course, I do not have any redirections provided. It is not the
server, so to speak. Any idea?

spip-en@rezo.net - http://listes.rezo.net/mailman/listinfo/spip-en


there are two components which deal with URL management :

- there are the SPIP/PHP scripts which create them
- the url_rewrite part in htaccess deals with interpretation of those URLS once they habe beeen received by the server as a request from the Webbrowser.

Therefore if you want to modify them further you have to deal with both sides.

I am not involved in the creation of either element but you might have a look at http://doc.spip.org/code to find out which scripts to modify.


On 22.06.2012 11:27, Ульрих wrote:

On 22 Jun 2012, at 09:21, klaus++ wrote:

May be this time you erased all cookies in your browser as well,

Yes, that was probably the case.

What do you think about my issue with the setup of urls? (See the eamil
to appended) Thanks for your support.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Ульрих <uhfmb@mail.ru>
Date: 20 June 2012 15:58:50 GMT+02:00
To: spip-en@rezo.net
Subject: setup of urls

In the setup of urls I select as type of the url address the option
"Arborescent URLs". That works very well. However ...


... there semms to be a minor inconsistency in the pattern. In the
address field for a section the Section-Title appears, for a news item
the Section-Title and the News-Item-Title apear. This behaviour is
different for an article, here the word "article" is been inserted.




Probably this is being done in the htaccess, something I don't
understand anyway.


... is there a way to get over the string limitation for the title
names displayed in the address field?
