[SPIP] Submitted : New translation : {where}


Article submitted

The article « New translation: {where}
(https://www.spip.net/ecrire/?exec=article&id_article=6734) » is submitted
for publication. on Monday 22 August 2022.

New translation: {where}

Monday 22 August 2022 , by jack

In some cases, SPIP’s specific criteria do not allow a complex request to
be described. Loops can use the {where} criterion to directly specify the
WHERE of the SQL clause.

The where criterion expects a single argument, which is the condition
part of a (MY)SQL query. SPIP uses this value by combining it with the
other condition elements from the other criteria in the loop.

**Examples **

The where criterion allows ORs to be performed:




{where id_rubrique=10 OR id_rubrique=20}


It allows to call MYSQL functions:



{where YEAR(date_creation) > 1970}


It allows you to make subqueries (here in the plug-in info_site) :
{where id_organisation IN (SELECT id_objet FROM spip_projets_liens WHERE objet='organisation' AND id_projet=#ID_PROJET)}

The where criterion makes it possible to use a condition where the 2
terms of the test are fields of the table: we want to find the articles
with the same heading_id and sector_id



{where id_rubrique = id_secteur}


Note that it would have been possible to do without where in all these
with {id_rubrique IN #LIST{10,20}}
with {date_creation>1970-01-01}
with a joint in the SPIP loop
with a wrapping loop

Preparing the condition
When there is a comma in the where expression, often because of a MYSQL
function call, include the condition in a #VAL tag.
Example :
{where #VAL{"DATE_ADD(date_debut,INTERVAL 2 WEEK)<date_fin"}}

When the conditions are even more complex, it is necessary to prepare the
query in a #SET :


{where,here complex calculation}









Criteria where conditional

The criterion also allows comparison with the value of where passed into
the environment, if it exists: {where?}

— Sent by SPIP (https://www.spip.net/)
