SPIP language

I have modified files of a language and I want to change the name of the language in public site (Language option/ translation versions etc). Can you please let me know how to do that?

I have SPIP 3.0.7 [19905].
Thank you

I don't understand what you are trying to do. Can you explain more?

On 28/03/13 16:16, kamran_mirhazar@yahoo.com wrote:

I have modified files of a language and I want to change the name of the
language in public site (Language option/ translation versions etc). Can you
please let me know how to do that?
I have SPIP 3.0.7 [19905].
Thank you
Kamran< /font>

Le 28/03/13 16:16, kamran_mirhazar@yahoo.com a écrit :

I want to change the name of the language in public site (Language option/ translation versions etc).

once you have created your file (in squelettes/lang/ directory or in
your plugin), you must add in ecrire/inc/lang_liste.php in the array
$GLOBALS['codes_langues'] :
   'xxx' => 'name of my language'
at the end maybe :
   'zu' => "Zulu",
   'xxx' => 'name of my language'

where 'xxx' is the short cut of this new language (only [a-z_] accepted)

then !
you must empty the cache (for destruct meta_cache.php)

now your new language appears in all the selects

Thanks, I did it and I could add a new language. But the language I have added is RTL. When I write an article in this language, it appears right to left. How to fix this and make it RTL?

From: denisb denisb@a-working-class-hero-is-something-to.be
To: spip-en@rezo.net
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 5:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Spip-en] SPIP language

Le 28/03/13 16:16, kamran_mirhazar@yahoo.com a écrit :

I want to change the name of the language in public site (Language option/ translation versions etc).

once you have created your file (in squelettes/lang/ directory or in
your plugin), you must add in ecrire/inc/lang_liste.php in the array
$GLOBALS[‹ codes_langues ›] :
‹ xxx › => ‹ name of my language ›
at the end maybe :

‹ zu › => « Zulu »,
‹ xxx › => ‹ name of my language ›

where ‹ xxx › is the short cut of this new language (only [a-z_] accepted)

then !
you must empty the cache (for destruct meta_cache.php)

now your new language appears in all the selects

spip-en@rezo.net - http://listes.rezo.net/mailman/listinfo/spip-en

I fixed RTL issue.
I had to add language code in file ecrire/inc/lang.php, where it comes language direction:

// http://doc.spip.org/@lang_dir
function lang_dir($lang=’’, $droitier=‹ ltr ›, $gaucher=‹ rtl ›) {
static $lang_rtl = array(‹ ar ›, ‹ fa ›,‹ ku ›, ‹ ps ›, ‹ ur ›, ‹ he ›, ‹ heb ›, ‹ hbo ›, ‹ yi ›);

return in_array(($lang ? $lang : $GLOBALS[‹ spip_lang ›]), $lang_rtl) ?
$gaucher : $droitier;

From: « kamran_mirhazar@yahoo.com » kamran_mirhazar@yahoo.com
To: « spip-en@rezo.net » spip-en@rezo.net
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 7:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Spip-en] SPIP language

Thanks, I did it and I could add a new language. But the language I have added is RTL. When I write an article in this language, it appears right to left. How to fix this and make it RTL?

From: denisb denisb@a-working-class-hero-is-something-to.be
To: spip-en@rezo.net
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 5:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Spip-en] SPIP language

Le 28/03/13 16:16, kamran_mirhazar@yahoo.com a écrit :

I want to change the name of the language in public site (Language option/ translation versions etc).

once you have created your file (in squelettes/lang/ directory or in
your plugin), you must add in ecrire/inc/lang_liste.php in the array
$GLOBALS[‹ codes_langues ›] :
‹ xxx › => ‹ name of my language ›
at the end maybe :

‹ zu › => « Zulu »,
‹ xxx › => ‹ name of my language ›

where ‹ xxx › is the short cut of this new language (only [a-z_] accepted)

then !
you must empty the cache (for destruct meta_cache.php)

now your new language appears in all the selects

spip-en@rezo.net - http://listes.rezo.net/mailman/listinfo/spip-en

spip-en@rezo.net - http://listes.rezo.net/mailman/listinfo/spip-en

Le 28/03/13 20:02, kamran_mirhazar@yahoo.com a écrit :

I fixed RTL issue.


have you really translated spip in yiddish ?
if so, which would be marvellous (I think), you could propose
your translations on http://trad.spip.net/

(I will like…)

I have translated SPIP to Hazaragi (haz).

I need to work more on language files and find the best options.

From: denisb denisb@a-working-class-hero-is-something-to.be
To: spip-en@rezo.net
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 8:30 PM
Subject: Re: [Spip-en] SPIP language

Le 28/03/13 20:02, kamran_mirhazar@yahoo.com a écrit :

I fixed RTL issue.


have you really translated spip in yiddish ?
if so, which would be marvellous (I think), you could propose
your translations on http://trad.spip.net/

(I will like…)

spip-en@rezo.net - http://listes.rezo.net/mailman/listinfo/spip-en

Le 28/03/13 20:42, kamran_mirhazar@yahoo.com a écrit :

I have translated SPIP to Hazaragi (haz).

ho yes.
I had just seen the 'yi' in your message and did not read further...

but I reiterate my proposal (for Hazaragi).