I have SPIP 4.0.1. Polyglots (multi tags) do not work in this version, particularly for the author’s name.
For instance:
[en]News Desk[fa]میز خبر
[en] News Desk [fa]میز خبر
Any solution?
One more thing:
in SPIP 4.0.1. I still need to move plugin Big Upload outside of plugins-dist to be able to upload article logos and documents.
Try adding the following to the file mes_options.php in /config:
function multi_nom($flux) {
$flux[‹ table_des_traitements ›][‹ NOM ›][‹ spip_auteurs ›] = ‹ extraire_multi(%s) ›;
return $flux;
table_des_traitements, NOM and spip_auteurs are between quotes, I don’t know why this editor turn them into < and >.
I think this will be corrected in the next version of SPIP.
I insist: this is not the right fix, you need to keep the security, like in the real fix in the next versions: safehtml(supprimer_numero(extraire_multi(%s)))