new interesting probs with spi 3.05

I guess I keep having problems with my spip…
Guess its my server that gives me the problems…
the newest problems…

Everytime I publish a new article I get this message
Le statut a déjà été modifié

Everytime I put a picture in a new article my nice spip gives me to copies…
( no left/right )
<img3653|left> <img3653|center> <img3653|right>

any good ideas as to avoid that …

also the site ( just upgraded to SPIP 3.0.5 [19905] is very slow in the private area… ( its OK now in the public area )
Anybody knows if its the database…
The rights
something else…

If I need to delete my database and make a new one ( it might be the problem ) how do i back up the db and put it in a new spip database ?
( there around 7000 articles ind the database… guess ita around 100MB, when I make a « copy »… )
