Git connection problem

Hello SPIP team,

There is a problem with
Connection does not work correctly.
I can login one time, and it is automatically logout, blank page, error 500…
Impossible to login again before cookie removal.

Can you look?

Hi, i’ve just tested to login and it works well. Do you use classi username/password login or another method ?

ping @azerttyu

I can login, I create a ticket, validate, it does not work, blank page, error 500, not logged, try to connect a new time, it does not work… remove cookies, do again…

Some times it works.

You can look server log…


Can you send more information about 500 error ? (time login, actions, time logout, screenshot, IP, … ) I could check in log server.
With these actual informations it’s impossible to check any log, une aiguille (non aimantée) dans une botte de foin


J’ai eu le même problème hier.
Depuis, je n’ai pas reproduit.


Merci pour l’info, toutefois pour que je identifier une éventuelle cause, il me faut plus d’élément. Au vu du trafic global sur le serveur, il m’est impossible de commencer la moindre recherche dans les journaux :confused:
Il me faut au moins un intervalle de temps, une url , … ce qui me permettrait d’avoir un point de départ.

Ne pas hésiter à me bipper si le problème se reproduit.


For information, I have done some tests with @azerttyu, he is on the case :slight_smile:


I’ve done some changes on configuration. In the change list :

  • I’ve enabled some debug feature to help to find this « aiguille ».
  • I’ve cleaned some old configuration about mailer. Mail notification should continue working again (confirmed by Spam Test Result). Notify me if looks broken for anyone :slight_smile:


Hello SPIP team,

Several months ago, my account has been deactivated, I do not know why.
Can you enable it?

Thanks in advance.

Hi, i’ve enabled your account. It has certainly been deactivated due to inactivity for a long time.

Impossible to connect, password does not work, password lost does not work and I have received a new e-mail: « Your account has been deactivated ».

Strange, could you try again now ?

The platform sent you an email ( just now. Did you receive it ?

les logs Mailjet donnent un mail envoyé/reçu sur cette adresse le 30/08:

Objet                       De	         À	                     Date             Statut
Reset password instructions 30/08/2024 12:48 Livrés

donc semblerait que le reset du mot de passe soit OK…