I've just noticed that plugins.spip.net seems to have trouble with the plugin.xml file for CFG.
The URL of the "Site officiel" link on the CFG plug-in page <http://plugins.spip.net/cfg> is completely broken:
<a href="
">Site officiel</a>
Is this a problem with the plugin.xml file from CFG or with plugins.spip.net web-site?
Thomas Sutton
Web Developer
I’ve just noticed that plugins.spip.net seems to have trouble with the plugin.xml file for CFG.
The URL of the « Site officiel » link on the CFG plug-in page <http://plugins.spip.net/cfg> is completely broken:
Site officiel
Is this a problem with the plugin.xml file from CFG or with plugins.spip.net web-site?
Hi Thomas,
I’m not sure that comes from XML File !
For CFG (which seems to be one of the few plugin concerned with this bug) I already noticed and notified it to plugins.spip’s webmasters.
I think it’s the use of tags in the texts of the links, but I’m not sure.
I’d have say it as well
Thomas Sutton
Web Developer
Etienne Brackers.
| Webdesigner intégrateur indépendant
| Création de sites web avec Spip
| La Flèche, Angers, Pays de la Loire…
Hi Etienne,
Quoting L'oiseau2nuit <l.oiseau2nuit@gmail.com>:
I've just noticed that plugins.spip.net seems to have trouble with the
plugin.xml file for CFG.
The URL of the "Site officiel" link on the CFG plug-in page <
http://plugins.spip.net/cfg> is completely broken:
<a href="
CFG - SPIP-Contrib]
">Site officiel</a>
Is this a problem with the plugin.xml file from CFG or with
plugins.spip.net web-site?
Hi Thomas,
I'm not sure that comes from XML File !
For CFG (which seems to be one of the few plugin concerned with this bug) I
already noticed and notified it to plugins.spip's webmasters.
I think it's the use of <multi> tags in the texts of the links, but I'm not
That's what I thought. Isn't the <lien> element supposed to contain a URL, not typographical shortcuts?
I'd have say it as well
Thomas Sutton
Web Developer