Dear Tom,
Thanks for the quick respond.
I've tried both.
However, problem's not solved yet.
1/ "couper" also displays the (...).
2/ sommaire-dist.html does not leave an option to eliminate the (...) -
infact, it does not contain it at all. Perhaps it is in another file?
Where would the INTRODUCTION function be defined?
-----Original Message-----
From: Tom []
Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2004 4:23 PM
To: Natasa Stevanic
Subject: Re: [Spip-en] Eliminate (...)
Its in the dist file !!
Check the HTML (eg. sommaire-dist.html) file, and you find it(...) Tom
Maybe you like this one 2..
(#TEXTE|couper{80})read on]
On 24/10/04 15:58, "Natasa Stevanic" <> wrote:
Hi again
I'm using the #INTRODUCTION tag for the home page, and it inserts this
(...) at the end of the text presented. How can I get rid of it, since
I want to use something else instead.
Thanks again!
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