combine two loops?

Hi, is there a way to combine results from two different loops?

For example, what if I want to get all articles with a keyword id of 222 plus those belonging to section 74 (not necessarily with the keyword 222)

This code below does not work since it only gets articles with id_mot=222 and also having id_rubrique=74:

<BOUCLE_articles_action(ARTICLES) {par date}{inverse}{id_rubrique=74}{id_mot=222}>


Of course the usual method is to generate two loops- one for id_rubrique=74 and another for id_mot=222, the problem is if you want to use only one loop for sorting and pagination purposes.

Is this not possible in SPIP? Help would be greatly appreciated.



there is a criteria IN that enables you to do this

{xxxx IN a,b,c,d,…}

(In your case : {id_mot IN 222,74} )


On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 5:32 PM, Paul <> wrote:

Hi, is there a way to combine results from two different loops?

For example, what if I want to get all articles with a keyword id of 222 plus those belonging to section 74 (not necessarily with the keyword 222)

This code below does not work since it only gets articles with id_mot=222 and also having id_rubrique=74:

<BOUCLE_articles_action(ARTICLES) {par date}{inverse}{id_rubrique=74}{id_mot=222}>

Of course the usual method is to generate two loops- one for id_rubrique=74 and another for id_mot=222, the problem is if you want to use only one loop for sorting and pagination purposes.

Is this not possible in SPIP? Help would be greatly appreciated.

Paul -

For example, what if I want to get all articles with a keyword id of 222 plus
those belonging to section 74 (not necessarily with the keyword 222)

The answer is to use anti-doublons:

<BOUCLE1(ARTICLES){first criterion}{doublons x} />
<BOUCLE2(ARTICLES){second criterion}{doublons x} />

<BOUCLE_sum(ARTICLES){!doublons x}>

-- Fil

Thanks guys!

Gilles’ suggestion on using the IN criteria does not work for my purposes since {id_mot IN 222,74} ) can only return articles with the keywords 222 or 74. I need to get articles with the section id of 74…

Fil’s solution worked brilliantly though. I would never have thought of it since I didn’t think a negation of the doublons criteria is possible. I don’t think this is in the English documentation of SPIP.

Thanks a lot for all your suggestions! This saved me from doing some messy php coding instead.


Hi Fil,

your solution, is it mentioned in the doc ? I understand that SPIP stores the values of the doublons in a table / an array which one may examine in a third loop.

Therefore {doublons x} means "get everythin exept the objects in array x" - and {!doublons x} means get exverything in array x - am I right?

BTW is it possible to do somethin like

<BOUCLE1(ARTICLES){criterion}{doublons x} /></BOUCLE1>
<BOUCLE2(RUBRIQUES){criterion}{doublons x} /></BOUCLE2>
<BOUCLE_sum(ARTICLES, RUBRIQUES){!doublons x}{par titre}>

in order to obtain an ordered list of sections's and article's titles?

Thank you very much,

Fil schrieb:

For example, what if I want to get all articles with a keyword id of 222 plus
those belonging to section 74 (not necessarily with the keyword 222)

The answer is to use anti-doublons:

<BOUCLE1(ARTICLES){first criterion}{doublons x} />
<BOUCLE2(ARTICLES){second criterion}{doublons x} />

<BOUCLE_sum(ARTICLES){!doublons x}>

-- Fil
_______________________________________________ -


The documentation (either french of english) is incomplete (, and doesn’t explains how (!doublons} can be used.

You can find some advanced usages of {doublons} on this page of SPIP-CONTRIB :

On Sun, Jun 7, 2009 at 2:33 PM, klaus++ <> wrote:

Therefore {doublons x} means « get everythin exept the objects in array x » - and {!doublons x} means get exverything in array x - am I right?


BTW is it possible to do somethin like

<BOUCLE1(ARTICLES){criterion}{doublons x} />
<BOUCLE2(RUBRIQUES){criterion}{doublons x} />
<BOUCLE_sum(ARTICLES, RUBRIQUES){!doublons x}{par titre}>

in order to obtain an ordered list of sections’s and article’s titles?

{doublons} can only store objects of the same type.

Your latest loop will try to create a joint query between spip_articles and spip_rubriques, but won’t work : ‹ titre › is a field that exists in each table and you must precise which on you want to use.


Thank you very much,

Fil schrieb:

For example, what if I want to get all articles with a keyword id of 222 plus
those belonging to section 74 (not necessarily with the keyword 222)

The answer is to use anti-doublons:

<BOUCLE1(ARTICLES){first criterion}{doublons x} />
<BOUCLE2(ARTICLES){second criterion}{doublons x} />

<BOUCLE_sum(ARTICLES){!doublons x}>

– Fil - -